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Wednesday 22 August 2007

Free Landline Calls! - Skype

Well technically it's not completely free but I found a deal that if you pay £1.50 a month (exc. vat) which works out at about £1.73 a month, you get to make free calls to any 01 or 02 number within the UK for free from your computer. This service is called Skype Pro.
Also you get a free Skype Voicemail system where if you are offline or busy it will allow people trying to call you to record messages which you can then listen to at a later date.
Alternatively if you just wish to call other Skype users (internet only) for free then you can! As long as you have a microphone and speakers you can talk for absolutely free to your friends as long as they have Skype on their computer too!
I personally have used Skype and it's great. I didn't sign upto the Skype Pro package but I did make calls to other friends who also had Skype and the sound quality was absolutely perfect. If you want to download Skype for free or try out the Skype Pro package just click on the fancy banner at the top of the site!

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