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Wednesday 22 August 2007

Free Bingo Money - NO DEPOSIT (£10)

You may well be wondering why I am posting this. When you think Bingo you think old people and tackyness....yes? Well who cares when sundaydailymail (not THE Daily Mail, don't worry you pro labour/lib dem supporters) are offering £10 to play on the bingo games for nothing! All you need to do is enter your debit/credit card details. I can assure you that they do not take money off you without you knowing!
I spent my £10 and won £20! Not bad for nothing. You have to make your account upto £30 before you can withdraw any money, but you can get around this by just depositing whatever is needed.
Finally I should add you can't just withdraw this free money. I assume you have to "wager" at least £10 before you can withdraw it, but that is easily done.
Follow the link below to enjoy some "great" bingo fun!:
Sunday Daily Mail Bingo

1 comment:

bruce said...

I love to play online bingo and have been playing ever since I started university, I have been lucky a few times and had a few wins which have financed my personal life!! The free cash like you mentioned has definitley boosted my bankroll as well.

Its weird though when I recommend it to mates they don’t seem interested in playing, I think some people still see bingo as an old ladies hobby.